My Journey Into Chronological Bible Reading And Study

Have you reached a point in your spiritual walk that something deep inside of you wells up with the thought that where you are at isn’t enough anymore? If so, have you decided to seek God, doing whatever it takes to be in His will, in whatever way that looks like in your life, even if it feels like nobody else is in your corner cheering you on? 

I call those moments of reckoning, “blind Bartimaeus moments”. 

In case you’re not familiar, in Mark (10:46-52) we read about blind Bartimaeus. Because of his handicap, Bartimaeus was accustomed to being grateful for what others no longer wanted. He spent time on the fringes and sought help to fulfill his needs. Until one day he had a moment of reckoning and heeded the call of the Holy Spirit. This man had had enough of his old way of life. Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was and that He had more in store for him. It didn’t matter if everyone around him shushed him or pushed him to the back of the crowd. Bartimaeus was determined to seek the face of Christ Jesus. 

chronological Bible reading and study

My Blind Bartimaeus Moment

I would like to briefly share with you my blind Bartimaeus moment that has led to a radical change in how I am studying Scripture. 

Last year I began to feel this “weird” restlessness in my spirit. I didn’t feel my relationship with Jesus was stale, dry, or lacking in any way. But this disquiet just kept nipping at my heels. In the past, this feeling of being “off” usually meant I was going through a big ol’ growth spurt. Because I’ve learned from my (many) mistakes in the past, I knew not to slack off but to dig in deeper with my usual spiritual disciplines. 

But weeks turned into months. Obviously, I wasn’t “getting” it because God arranged things in our life that caused us a time apart from most everyone. I even took a long break from blogging to focus on seeking him above all else. None of this was ugly or dramatic, it just was. 

Before this time apart, I was either verse mapping or inductively studying the Bible and enjoying it. I didn’t have a set plan so I usually studied whatever I felt led to study. However, when life demanded we separate ourselves for a bit, I began to notice two things: a dissatisfaction with my topical study methods and a craving to do something I had never done before: to read, study, and notebook journal the Bible from cover to cover! 


Finding A Study That Works For Me

Unfortunately, I am great at starting things, not so great at finishing them. I feared this would be more of the same but I committed to taking time to pray for direction. 

I began to feel I was supposed to read and study the Bible chronologically. I found a chronological Bible but slowly drifted back to my old, traditional Bible. It turned out that the chronological Bible I was using wasn’t working for me because it didn’t have dates attached to the Scriptures. I am a person who needs more structure. I need a plan for my quiet time, even if it is a loose one. 


For Additional Reading: Chronological Bible Study


Turning to my favorite search engine (Pinterest) for ideas to make this work, I came across chronological Bible study plan printables that would allow me to use my favorite study Bible. Most were 7-day plans or “read the Bible in a year” plans. 

I tried a few but after a few false starts, I’ve learned those aren’t for me either. I found myself rushing through my reading to the point that I couldn’t take the time to study. When I did take the time, I fell behind, got overwhelmed with guilt, and eventually quit. See what I mean about starting and stopping things?

Deciding what I really wanted was a reading plan that I could have “days off” to catch up, meditate on what I was reading, and write blog posts about it all. A 7-day-a-week plan just didn’t allow any of that for me. Shorter (20, 40, and 90 days) chronological plans weren’t any better. They made me feel like I was back to studying topically, which I was trying to get away from.

I found my answer on Ligonier. They have a program that allowed me to create a chronological study based on the parameters I set!


How I Am Studying Chronologically Through The Bible

I dug out a notebook, printed off my new customized reading plan (you can get your copy here) grabbed my Bible and favorite pens, and got to work. 

Monday through Friday I open up my NIV study Bible to the day’s reading. Then, I pull out my NKJV Bible or my Amplified version and read the passages there as well. I find it helps a great deal with clarity when I can see the Scripture in multiple versions. 

After that, I open my notebook, write out the verses and decide how I want to study. Usually, I cross-reference verses or do a word study, but often, that evolves into verse mapping or inductive study. Occasionally, I simply record a truth I feel the Lord revealing to me. Always, I add what I learn about God’s character.

My study time normally takes me about an hour because I take it slow and systematic, one verse at a time. 

I still do topical studies but now it is on something from my reading (like a study of the enemy of our soul from my reading in Genesis 3). Sometimes, instead of writing out the verses, I summarize them. 

When I feel the need for further clarification, I check out my favorite online commentaries. I try to remember to record the commentary notes in a different color ink so that later I won’t confuse my thoughts with theirs. 

**Update: Since originally writing this post, I want to add that it is a good thing I am not in a hurry to get from Genesis to Revelation because I have slowed way down. First, I had to exchange my notebook for a binder and loose-leaf paper. I kept moving forward only to have the Holy Spirit draw me back with additional insight. I spent over a month just on Genesis 1 and 2! Because of that, I ended up with so many loose pages sticking out of my notebook that the switch to a binder made more sense for me. 

Because I am not just reading but doing an in-depth study of the passages, one day’s reading takes me a week (or more) to complete. I am okay with that. I am sure this will take me years to complete. I don’t mind, and I am sure my sweet Jesus doesn’t mind when I choose to linger longer. 


How Should You Study The Bible Chronologically?

Although I have turned this into a huge project, you certainly don’t have to! It shouldn’t take too long to read the day’s chapters (honestly, probably 10-15 minutes, tops) with the rest of the day to think about what you have read. 

If you want to take it deeper, grab a notebook and take notes on what you are learning or any questions that come to mind as you read.  Or journal, verse map, inductive study, or SOAP your way through. If you feel led, you can always go even deeper with character studies, location and lifestyle studies, or how God’s character is reflected in your daily passages. 

Regardless of how you choose to go about it, my suggestion is to go at your own pace and dig deeper into the areas the Holy Spirit is directing your attention to. You may get a sentence of insight or it may come flooding into your spirit providing a page of insight. The length doesn’t matter when you allow your study to be Spirit-led. 

Also, keep your study notes in a binder or notebook so that you can refer to them again. Because trust me, you will want to go back and read them time and again, even if it is just to see how far you have grown! Not to mention, your Bible and notes are a priceless gift to pass on to your children and grandchildren!


How I will Share My Studies With You

After much prayer, I have decided not to do a group study in Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, or any other social media method. Because we all learn from each other (and community is vital to the body!) I would love to have a group study. However, at this time, that approach doesn’t feel right. Besides, I’m afraid I would get so caught up in the group that I would drift away from my studies. 

So, I will be sharing my current study notes in a blog post, one chapter at a time, as I make my way through the Bible. Some posts will be longer, some will be shorter. Some chapters will be “interrupted” with topical studies I have been doing while reading and studying out the chapters. 

Although I will be diving deeply, I do not intend my chronological study notes to be exhaustive. I am like you guys. I am learning and growing. As long as I continue to seek Him, the Holy Spirit will always have more for me (and you!) to learn.  What we learn today is a building block from what we learned yesterday.

My blog posts won’t just be my notes and research. I have added comments and questions for you to consider, all with the intent of helping you think biblically. I pray that you will email me or comment on each post sharing with everyone what you are learning!

I am already shocked to discover the number of things ingrained into my thinking that, through this study, I am learning are not true. You know that phrase Satan says in the garden, “Did God really say….”? That has become my number one constant question throughout my reading. “Did man say this or did God say it??” Satan meant to use that question to trick and manipulate but the Holy Spirit has been using it to draw attention, teach, and bless! 

Reading and studying the Bible chronologically

My Purpose

Each person thinks and learns differently. My purpose is to give you a visual of what a deep dive study could look like. From Paul, we learn that it helps to learn by observing others (1 Corinthians 11:1). Just remember that as great as it is to learn from others, nothing beats sitting with God and learning from Him! 

I pray that my study methods and notes will provide insight and encouragement for you to do your own hands-on Bible study, in whatever way looks right for you. 


Closing Thoughts

Friend, I hope you will consider reading through the Bible chronologically, at least once. And perhaps you will consider adding study time to your chronological reading. There is nothing “magical” about reading or studying the Bible chronologically or starting it at a certain time of year. Chronological Bibles are simply another tool in our arsenal that will provide a powerful understanding of God, His interaction with His people, and His plans for the future. 

Whether or not you decide to join me in studying as you read, I pray that you will develop a fresh desire to get into God’s Word and discover for yourself if God really said what you thought He said.


Grab your Bible, print this free chronological reading plan printable to keep in your Bible,  and in 53 weeks you will have read the entire Bible for yourself! Wouldn’t that be awesome?!?


“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” (John 7:37)


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