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Growing In Your Walk With God


Many years ago when my kids were younger, there was a popular children’s book that they couldn't get enough of. There was a whole series of them actually; if you give a mouse a cookie, a moose a muffin, a pig a pancake. Maybe you remember those books? My boys loved the flow and predictability of the books.

In each book, one thing always led to another and that thing leads to another thing, which led to yet another thing. You get the idea.

I shamelessly used those books to teach my boys that just because something seemed small and insignificant didn't mean it really was. One small action on their part would always lead to something else.

We used this analogy for everything from our morning routine to chores to being involved in sports. We would talk about how just one thing missing from this chain of events would trigger a whole new set of circumstances that they then had to deal with even if they didn't want to. 

Without fail when I am reminded of those childhood stories I am also reminded that things of God are similar. One thing always leads to another. There are quite a few to choose from but take this verse as an example.

And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, charity.

For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(2 Peter 1:5-8 KJV)

The NASB version of the same verse starts out by saying, “For this very reason, you must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge…” Wow! Talk about a powerhouse of instruction for spiritual growth!


God has provided us with a whole book of stepping stones to help us along on our walk of faith. We call them verses or nuggets of wisdom. When we desire to grow more Christ-like and move forward in our faith, we need to carefully examine each stepping stone (verse) that God has provided. If we randomly jump from stone to stone our chances of falling increase greatly.

In my mind, 2 Peter 1:5-8 is one such verse; it is the Christian version of giving a moose a muffin (one thing always leading to another). Let’s look at how this stone can provide us with a firm footing for our next step.

2 PETER 1:5-8

1. The verse says to make every effort to apply these fruits to your life. This tells us it is a choice and a decision we need to make. It won’t happen just because we have head knowledge. We have to determine to put in the effort to move forward and grow to be more Christ-like.

2. There is a definite order to all things of God, even creation and salvation. There were certain things that had to be done and said when Jesus chose to die in our place. 1 Corinthians 14:40 tells us God wants things done properly and in his order.

3. Things of God are not stagnant but always growing so one thing naturally flows into another. For example, as you allow the Holy Spirit to develop self-control (a fruit of the Spirit!) in your life, you will naturally develop patience as well. You won't develop patience without self-control. And we can't have real self-control without submitting to the Holy Spirit.

4. The flow and ebb of our walk are genuine, and God made plans before time began to guide us and show us how to bless each other on our journeys.

5. As productive and useful Christians we need to truly have a love for others. For most of us, we have to intentionally work to put others before ourselves. It's a process that starts with a tiny mustard seed of faith that grows as you grow in Christ Jesus. You can stop or slow the process at any time through ungodliness such as your words and attitudes.

I have found that as my love for God deepens, so does my love for his children. The above verse tells us it’s a natural (or supernatural) byproduct. As such, it is something we can (and should) pray for an increase of.

6. To be Christians that God can use to bless and minister to others, the above attributes need to be developed so that we bear fruit. The good news is that you don't have to search for these attributes of Christ...the Holy Spirit has already placed them in you when you gave your life to Christ. You just need to develop and let them grow with his help! 


I love to draw, paint, and create. Most days I don't have time to do any of those things but my mind is always putting pictures in my head of what I read and hear.

As I read the above verse, in my mind I saw a child walking on a stepping stone path at dusk holding a brightly lit lantern that illuminated the stone she was on as well as the stone behind and before her. It was too dark to see very far beyond those points so she was moving forward on the path by faith.

I believe God allowed me to have this mental picture to show us the following:

1. God gives us guidance and direction on where to place our feet so we won't fall into the mud and muck (sin).

2. Each precept in 2 Peter 1:5-8 is a stepping stone of faith that follows a path leading to Jesus. This is key. If we veer off our path, it takes us away from God.

3. Each path is unique for that person's individual journey. No two walks will be the same.

4. The stepping stones are put there to help us. However, nobody makes us stay on our stepping stones. We can leave the safety of our path but we might step into the mud and muck surrounding each stone. After realizing our mistake and going to God in repentance we can get back on our stepping stone path and continue on.

5. Nobody makes us reach for the next stepping stone either. It’s an intentional choice each person has to make on their own as they feel God leading them along. God won't change the path to make it easier but he also won’t force someone to keep moving forward.

6. The stones are never placed so far apart that we can't reach them. God doesn't set us up to fail. That would defeat his purpose. 


Will you stumble and fall off the stepping stone path? Of course.

Nobody is perfect and we all lose sight of where we place our feet at times; we might purposefully step off our path or we might stumble over our own feet. But God knows our path and what lies beyond what we can see. Using His light to seek out the next stepping stone of faith gives us insight, direction, hope, and encouragement for the problems and trials that cause us to stumble.

The point isn’t that we stumble or even slide off God’s path but that we get back up and keep moving. When we do, this step of faith will produce the godly character (fruit of the spirit) that is vital to all Christian walks.

“Not only this, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope doesn't disappoint us, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
(Romans 5:3-5 WEB)


Just like in the children's books my boys enjoyed, the two verses I share with you above show that God builds line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept, here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28:10). One thing we do will always lead to the next thing. We need God every single day, every single step to move forward and grow in our faith.

God loves each of us dearly and desires that none should fall and perish. He urges us to not grow weary (Galatians 6:9) but to keep pressing forward. God doesn’t expect us to navigate this life alone so He blessed us with our Helper, the Holy Spirit, and our user manual (the Bible).

For Additional Reading: Falling in love with God all over again.

So go ahead…say a prayer, lift your foot, and take a step forward. As your foot lands, prepare yourself for the next step in your journey. Then your next step after that. What God has for you on your next stepping stone will be a gift far greater, far more perfect, than you could ever imagine for yourself!

Enjoy every step of your journey, my friend!


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