Discover 8 Amazing Ways God Speaks

For far too long, I didn't bother to share my thoughts. I felt like everyone was talking but nobody was really listening. So much noise and confusion and I didn't see the point in adding to it. One day I was complaining to God about nobody listening and I felt him say "I am". 

That thought took my breath away.

God began to show me that he talks, listens, and responds to us. Every. Single. Time

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Before you begin reading, I want you to close your eyes a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to speak his truth to you. Think about that still small voice you hear whispering to you. Think about the passage in Scripture that speaks specifically to the issue you are struggling with. Think about the unexpected word from the stranger that stopped you the other day. Think about the softly spoken voice you heard coming from everywhere and nowhere. What about the song lyrics that grabbed hold of your heart.

All of those are ways in which God speaks to us. God has spoken to his people since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, we don't always talk to him, let alone listen

"Now, because you have done all these works," says Yahweh, "and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you didn't hear, and I called you, but you didn't answer." (Jeremiah 7:13 WEB)

God says in James 4:8 that if we want to know something we are to ask him. Why would He say that if he has no intention of responding to us? Scripture says God will happily tell us what he wants us to do. He craves talking with us and being welcomed as part of our life. He isn't a one-sided God; he does all the talking and we listen without responding (obeying) or we do all the talking and God listens without responding.

God is a very personal God. He longs for a one-on-one relationship with us and he will not settle for less.

How do I know God talks to us and wants to be a part of our life? According to Malachi 3:6, God doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So when I go to any book in the Bible and read about God talking to his children, I can know that he did it then and he will do it now. 




This is the primary way God speaks today. His word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11). As we grow in our knowledge and wisdom of Scripture we will be able to hear God’s voice through His written word.

For example, I could be reading and a word or phrase will "jump out" at me. It might be something that sticks in my mind all day long. Or it could be a story about someone in the Bible and I feel God impressing on me what that person went through. Almost like the Holy Spirit was saying, "See, this happened to them and this is what they did. Pay attention, look closely, and learn."

God wants us to understand and He will reveal things to us if we are willing to receive. 



God may choose anyone to bring a message to you. It could be your pastor, the person in the pew next to you, or someone else. It could be someone close to you or someone you've never met before. Usually, they will have no clue that God is using them to bless you unless you share it with them. 

Test what you are being told as false prophets are many (Matthew 7:15). Just because someone says "God told me..." doesn't mean God really told them anything.



Read 1 Corinthians 2:10-15. God has a plan for each of us and the Holy Spirit blesses us with discernment to know what to do. He will speak to us in a still, small voice. Or he might speak to us in an audible voice that comes from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. It will be clear and distinct and will quicken your spirit. 

The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not intrude or force himself on you in any way. This is why we must be so intentional about welcoming him into our lives daily. He will impress upon you things that your natural man could never know on your own. 



You might be doing something totally random and someone you don't normally think about comes into your thoughts repeatedly. That may be your nudge from God that this person needs prayer and you are the person to do it. Or you might be meditating on something you read in your Bible and God puts a thought in your mind to reveal something he wants you to know.  



Daniel is one of the most popular in the Bible for his dreams and visions but they were not an unusual occurrence for the children of God. In Acts 9:10-16, God gave a man named Ananias a vision in which He gave him very specific instructions. He told him what was happening at that very moment and what he wanted Ananias to do. God even took the time to reassure Ananias about the situation.

God isn't random in his dreams and visions or who he blesses with these forms of communication. 



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Sometimes, no matter what we try to do to change things in our life, they go in a different direction. Just like the Israelites in the desert or the lives of Moses, Joseph, and David. God has a plan that he has set in motion and his plan will happen. But along the way, our Lord takes the time to teach us a lesson, to build our faith, or to help us grow in any number of ways.

When God speaks to you through your circumstances, you need to stop, take a step back, and ask him what he is trying to teach or show you. Then listen



God will use his mighty angels to speak to us just as he did in Matt 28:5-7, Luke 1:11-17, Acts 8:26, throughout the book of Daniel, and many other places in the Bible. God sends his angels to minister as well as to deliver messages. 

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
(Hebrews 13:2 KJV)



God has used a burning bush, an invisible hand, nature, and animals to speak to his people. If God wants to tell you something He is going to tell you whether you think his way is normal and acceptable or not. Do you think Ballam thought his donkey talking to him was normal? I doubt it. 



Example One: When God called my husband, He gave Mike specific verses that he never shared with anyone else. One quiet evening we were sitting in front of the fire reading our Bibles and talking about things of God.

Out of the blue, I was drawn to two verses and just knew I had to share them. I said, "Hey, I think this is for you. Listen to this..." and read them to Mike. He was speechless and humbled. I was confused as to what had just happened. I didn’t recognize that it was the Holy Spirit nudging me to share those verses with Mike.

Example Two: One day a few years back I decided to turn a hobby into a side business. I laid everything out carefully and systematically. Every successful step I took as confirmation from God that I was in his will. And then things went weird; one step forward two steps back kind of thing.

Finally, I decided to seek God and ask him if this was how he wanted me to spend my time. On paper, everything seemed to be a perfect fit. But in reality, God had a different plan. No matter how hard I worked or what I did, I could not make this venture work because it was not God's plan for my life.



There are so many voices speaking into our lives. We all know that the more we listen to the noise, the more confusion quickly becomes overwhelming. But our gracious, kind, loving Shepherd has not given up on us. He continually speaks to us so that we will know his voice above all others.

“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

We have to train ourselves to hear his voice and that training begins with cracking open our Bibles and getting familiar with God; the way he speaks and what he speaks about. Although there are certain ways God speaks to us, the primary way is through the Bible. The more we read and study the Living Word, the more Jesus drowns out the unnecessary voices all around us.

When I Discovered that God is always listening (and speaking) to us, it was life-changing for me. I pray that this truth goes down deep into your spirit and you allow it to be life-transforming for you too!


In what way has God spoken to you? Does God seem to speak to you primarily in one particular way?